Recruitment and branding
Are you looking for talents for specific student jobs, internships, or projects? Or do you want to be visible and meet DTU students for a face-to-face dialogue by visiting campus, participating in events, and making cases available?
DTU Career Hub
Advertise jobs, internships, and projects to DTU students and alumni from DTU.
DSE Fair
Classic job and career fair at Lyngby Campus with approx. 10,000 visiting students and 170 stands for companies and associations. The fair is a unique chance to create awareness of a company’s products and brand and to recruit relevant students for projects, internships, and jobs.
DTU CareerWeek
Participate with a presentation on how you recruit in your company and what students should be aware of if they dream of a career with you in week 45. The week also includes a graduate programmes market event and one day targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises.
Innovation Pilot
Make cases available for BEng students on this mandatory interdisciplinary and innovative course.
Part-time MSc
Employ an engineering student who will complete a part-time MSc programme while working for your company.
Green Challenge
DTU’s student conference with a focus on sustainability, the environment, and climate technology. Gain insight into our students’ visions and projects by serving on the panels of judges.
Blue Dot
Support students by supplying materials, knowhow, and guidance as they address interdisciplinary and specific engineering issues and problems. The issues addressed by the projects change continuously.
Smart Campus
Students, researchers, companies, and local authorities can use DTU’s Lyngby, Ballerup, and Risø campuses as a living lab for testing smart city technologies in the physical environment.
Posters on campus
It is possible to have A3 posters displayed on the Lyngby Campus. The posters are displayed on centrally located bulletin boards.