Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biotechnology

Biology holds the answers to many of the world’s big questions. Biotechnology is a study programme for people who want to use biology to make life better, healthier or more sustainable for humans. It is for people who want to work with living organisms and their potential—from enzymes that can transform CO2 to alternative foods and modern pharmaceutical production.
The study programme combines an understanding of biology with technological skills. The combination prepares you to tackle society’s challenges related to disease, well-being, food, and the green transition—now and in the future. The world needs engineers who understand enzymes, biological data, or cell factories down to the smallest molecular detail.
As a Biotechnology student, you will therefore learn about the mechanisms behind all life, and will understand how molecules can be used to create products that change people’s lives.
What will you learn?
During your studies, you will encounter the technologies used to work with living systems. You will gain a broad knowledge of the life sciences, and will understand how to work with sustainable and digital solutions.
You have electives during your studies, where you can choose which subjects you want to delve into. For example, as a biotechnology student you can choose to become a protein expert, or specialize in cell factories. You will learn about the use of enzymes in sustainable industries, and how a cell factory like yeast can produce both beer and insulin.
Study programme structure
Your courses are set during your first year of study. These are core courses that form an academic foundation for the rest of your study programme. You will be taught mathematics, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, life sciences, and biotechnological problem solving, and you will learn to perform laboratory exercises and program in Python.
From the start of your second year you begin to experience freedom of choice, which only increases during your studies. The second year also offers courses in molecular biology, bioinformatics, and fermentation technology.
The final part of your bachelor programme depends on which electives you choose.
Career opportunities
With a degree in biotechnology, your career options depend on what interests you choose to pursue after your studies. The study programme grants direct access to three of DTU’s Master’s programmes, but choosing various course options can gain you access to more.
Biotechnology is a study programme offering lots of choices, but what ever you choose, there is a high probability that you will find a job in the biotech, food, or pharmaceutical sectors after your studies.
You can work in these sectors with everything from sustainable production of alternative foods, pharmaceuticals, and biomaterials to development of new bio-based solutions for the green transition. You could also become a consulting engineer in a consulting company, take the research route, or choose to be self-employed.
The programme is taught in Danish: Read more about the BSc programme in Biotechnology (in Danish)